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  • florianpignol2

A life in Antigua, first impressions

As I decided to live in Antigua, I am neither a tourist / backpacker, nor a local citizen. Maybe this hybrid status allows me to see things with a different perspective. I am discovering the city with enthusiastic and naive eyes, and at the same time, I am constantly trying to find how my future life is going to look like.


I was seduced by Antigua the moment I arrived. The pastel facade houses compose a very particular streetscapes where the 3 volcanoes, del Agua, del Fuego y el Acatenango , gaze at the city with majestic statures.

My very first impression on the city was when the driver who picked me up at the airport, after 45mins drive, announced with joy: "Bienvenido a la Antiguaaablablablablaba". We just entered the city, and what hit us, literally, was the road. Every streets here are stone pavement made. The positive impact, in addition to the splendid aesthetic it gives, is that cars drive at a foot pace, and a quiet atmosphere emerges. Maybe it will build me a solid butt, who knows.

In Anitgua's center, every destination is reachable on foot, which makes possible and attractive random wanders in this Hellenic , e.g orthogonal, layout. In the worst case, or if I am lazy, tuk tuk and uber exist as an option.

As my first steps, I got the impression to be enrolled in a treasure city hunt. Any house with open doors to the street could yield to a splendid patio, with fountain and green vegetation, where restaurants and small shops constitute a whole ecosystem. Great news, it will take me ages to discover every places here. Downside, with that much restaurants I ll need to watch my figure.

While wandering in the different "calles", I encountered numerous antique churches in ruin, starting from the entry of my place. It was a first hint on how the environment and the elements shaped the local life.


I am a science oriented person, if not to say I have a stubborn western comprehension mindset. Yet, I have to admit, I start to understand the ancient Greeks

and the 4 elements concept. Since I arrived, I witnessed:

My first volcanic eruption from my backyard. I was getting out to look after Bikini, my cat, when I saw vivid red flares in the far dark, shaping then like a cone. It lasted around 45 seconds. It was one of the most impressive show I had the chance to attend. Fears and splendors.

My house got flooded by a massive rain in 10 mins top. I was working when, after hearing big thunder bangs, the sky fell on our head. Asterix & Obelix expression that I finally totally embraced. After 10 minutes, the deluge ended, leaving me with a centimetre of water in the lower space of the house.

Giving that, just before my arrival, locals experienced a small earthquake, and following Greek education, I wonder if I should expect a Hurricane soon.

Aristotle thought there was a fifth element. I have my own idea here, mosquito. They manage to enter our house, defeating all defensive nest installed at the windows. I ended up using the guide book in a way I could not have imagined: mosquito killer. In addition, I am wearing socks all the time, as those beasts seem to appreciate the flavor of my feet, a first!

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